The Club has an active member and associate member base that includes member’s spouse and children.
At times we also consider new members and we welcome expressions of interest from friends who use the lodge. Any enquiries regarding memberships, should be emailed to our club president.
Membership offers priority booking rights with access to club accommodation across the ski season. Bookings are made via our online booking system with secure payment options. Any enquiries regarding bookings, please forward to our bookings officer.
Members pay an annual subscription as set by the Reindeer Management Committee and approved at the AGM.
Our membership age profile is very broad ranging from young children through to foundational members in their 70s.
Member benefits include:
Members and immediate family discounted accommodation and preferential booking over non-members
The right of one vote, as set out in the articles of incorporation at the Club’s annual general meeting
Participate in Club social functions
Management Committee
The Management Committee currently consists of 7 members elected by the Club at the Annual General Meeting. Positions include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Booking Officer, Facilities Manager and General Committee.
Membership enquiries: president@reindeerskiclub.com.au
Booking enquiries: bookings@reindeerskiclub.com.au
General Enquiries: secretary@reindeerskiclub.com.au